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  • What happens if I roll too many low calorie days in a row?
    Go ahead and reroll the problematic die or mentally modify the calorie count for the day!
  • I don't have high blood pressure. Why would I watch my sodium intake?
    According to an online study, while a certain amount of sodium is necessary for health, many people consume too much, which can cause bloating due to water retention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 90% of people in the United States consume too much sodium. Most processed foods contain sodium, so many people do not realize they are consuming so much.
  • Is it ever safe to eat 800 calories in a day?
    According to an online study, humans can live up to 2 to 3 months without food (if drinking water). Logically, if you can go months with 0 calories, you can certainly go 24 hours at 800. However, people with certain health conditions may be unable to restrict calories in this way. The extended pack has modifications for higher calories that you can use to adjust this die face. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new food plan.
  • What if something urgent comes up and I do not have time for the routine I rolled?
    Most of the Dice Challenge routines are intentionally quick so that you can get back to living the rest of your life, even if you have time constraints. However, if you just can't squeeze it in, mentally modify the die for the day to one of the shorter routines!
  • Are the exercises difficult?
    The answer varies based on your current health condition and lifestyle. Additionally, the difficulty with (and the amount of benefit you get out of) each routine depends on the effort you put into it. If you find a routine too difficult, go easier on the intensity of the exercise. If it's too easy, increase your intensity. If all of the exercises in the classic version of the game are too easy for you, consider the Athlete Modification or Extreme Modifications in the extended pack. As always be sure to consult your health care professional when beginning any new fitness routine.
  • Am I too old to play the game?
    Your ability to perform suggested exercises or follow a food plan is limited more by your health status and doctor's recommendations than your age. It's best to consult with your health care professional, regardless of your age, on whether you are physically able to participate in the game. Additionally, please note that even the more difficult routines, such as HIIT, can be modified as your body allows to be workable for you.
  • What happens if I lose, break or damage the dice?
    Order a set of replacement dice by clicking the image below: While waiting for your new dice, keep playing to reach your goals. Just shuffle the six black cards and six white cards separately and randomly pick one out of each deck (without looking).
  • Are rerolls allowed?
    If you're playing multi-player game, house rules apply. Just decide at the outset of the game. If you're playing single player, we suggest avoiding rerolls as much as possible. If your healthcare provider recommends avoiding a certain food plan or activity, permanently modify that die face to fit your needs. The extended pack comes with stickers to make this easy!
  • How do I know if the game is right for me?
    The Classic Version of the game is intended for adults with extra weight to lose. However, the game is easily modifiable for those wanting to gain muscle or tone up, or meet another health goal (like reduce blood pressure) rather than slim down. If weight loss is not your goal, we suggested buying the extended pack to customize the dice. All users should consult with a health care professional before starting any new food or fitness plan.
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